Since 2015 I have worked with a variety of different festivals in the UK and Europe in many roles, from performance to project management as well as graphic design and social media. 

Venue Management, Director, Producer, Graphic Design, Web Design/Development, Script Writer, Art Direction, Video Content Creation/Editing, Camera Operation, Social Media Management

In 2023 I was part of a four person creative and management team that operated Theatrical Ground Crew for Boomtown Festivals Metropolis district. This consisted of a team of over one hundred people, made up from actors, builders, artists, and logistical staff, operating over multiple smaller sections. BetterVerse an ambitious immersive gameified theatrical experience was the focal point of the project, which I managed during the three days of the festival. Made up of several different rooms, each staffed by three teams of two actors for two hour incrimants, BetterVerse was a journey through “VR-IRL” where players experienced different levels of a game, controlled by a carefully crafted soundtrack.

As well as managing the venue and co producing the district, I made video and graphic content, scripted and partially shot a promo video, and designed a website for the project, with a self contained social media platform used to generate hype for the venue that attracted over a thousand users in the two weeks before the festival. 


Venue Management, Producer, Graphic Design, Art Direction, Performer, Social Media Management

The Boomtown Jobcentre was an immersive theatre and music venue that ran at Boomtown Festival from 2014 to 2022, starting as a very small venue, it quickly became a fan favourite and over the years it existed and as a result, grew in size. Based on a visit to an actual Job Centre, by day, audience members would queue and fill out forms before being interviewed and sent to perform a nonsensical job within the festival site, they would then return to the Job Centre to receive a prize.  In the evenings, the venue turned into a popular music venue that hosted a wide range of artists from the bassline and adjacent scenes, such as Hamdi, Taiki Nulight, and Oppadan, as well as takeovers from labels like Offmenut Records and Mutant Bass.

In 2018? I headed up taking the immersive theatre side of the project to Brighton Fringe Festival, converting a gallery space on the seafront for several days.

Venue Management, Stage Management, Producer, Director, Performer, Graphic Design, Video Content Creation, Live Streaming Technician

After it’s success as an online live streaming project during the pandemic in 2020, Super Nothing TV became the first fully functioning TV studio at Balter Festival in Chepstow, South Wales. Running from a marquee in a field, the project    

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